White House health summit 11:53 a.m.

White House health summit 11:53 a.m.
  –Some brighter moments a few minutes ago, but same-old same-old from Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisc. To wit: “WashingtonWashingtonWashingtonWashington.”

Ryan is using the GOP talking point, of course: We’re all in favor of health care. We’re all in favor of reducing waste, fraud and abuse. We’re just not in favor of Washington doing it. We don’t want government-run health care.

Obama blew that one out of the water. The key difference between the party in regard to insurance exchanges, as he points out, is that the Democrats are in favor of a “baseline” establishing some standard below which insurance coverage and health care cannot fall.

Rep. Rob Andrews, D-N.J., used the example of a woman who has a C-section. Should the woman’s insurance company be allowed to send her home from the hospital whenever it chooses, as in the GOP ‘health associations’ proposal? Or should there be, as Andrews put it, “minimum federal standards”?

As a voter, I would favor minimum federal standards. Ryan got laughed at, even in the august setting of Blair House, when he touted trusting your state government to do the job. A minimum standardization across the country would give consumers some leverage against gargantuan insurance companies–which operate across the country, but do not have nationwide monitoring under the current system, which leaves regulation of the insurance industry to the states.

Steny Hoyer of Maryland made a related statement calling for an “open, free and transparent market.”

Some of the Repubs are using any suggestion of federal reform in insurance to mischaracterize same as hindering competition.

We already have too little competition among large insurance companies. As Obama pointed out, “It is true, you can always get cheaper insurance”–if you raise your deductible, raise your co-payment, reduce the coverage. What we cannot always get is more effective, better insurance–companies are not compelled to compete to provide more effective coverage.

White House health summit 11:17 a.m.

White House health summit 11:17 a.m.
  —Sen. Tom Coburn of Oklahoma just wrapped up a few minutes ago. Focus: “cost containment.” (This was introduced as “our framing statement” by Mitch McConnell. McConnell devoted his remarks to opinion polls, to make an argument basically that all Dems shd just give up and go home.)

Coburn, saying that one out of three health care dollars does not go to making people well or to keeping people from getting sick, says that cost is the main obstacle to health care. He also claims, somewhat less solidly, that “the government” “directs” “over 60 percent of health care” in the U.S.

Coburn is all for incentives–“creating an incentive to reward” good health practices. Presumably good health is not in itself enough of an incentive; financial gain has to be included. Maybe some grain of truth in that. Laudably, Coburn also recommends that the school lunch program and the food stamp program should incentivize healthful eating. Some details will help, but the basic idea is good.

Then there’s that “tort system” emphasis. Coburn, a physician himself, if predictably not in favor of litigation. He seems to follow the line that medical malpractice premiums are entirely the result of malpractice lawsuits.

Once again: Some evidence would be helpful. Some close analysis. Here is a starting question: In the numerous states which have passed anti-tort legislation, HAVE MALPRACTICE PREMIUMS EVER GONE DOWN?

(Warning:: I already know the answer to this one.)

It might be illuminating to try to compute, with exact dollar figures, how much our insurance companies are spending on lobbying and related political activities, each year, to bring about “tort reform” on the state-by-state level. Then we cd compare those figures to the dollar amounts (actually) forked out by the companies, as the result of successful lawsuits or out-of-court settlements.

Then we cd compare both to the health care costs of rising malpractice premiums.

More later . . .

White House health summit 10:32 a.m.

White House health summit 10:32 a.m.
  –Following President Obama’s opening statement, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner turn to Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., to “frame” (McConnell’s word) the Republican opening statement. We’re not off to a good start. Alexander, advertised as introducing the Republicans’ proposals, starts speaking c. 10:23 a.m. He spends at least 90 percent of his time arguing against the Dems, in favor of “putting the current [health care] bill on the shelf”; going to “a clean piece of paper”; “starting over.”

GOP proposals? In “one or two sentences,” as Alexander says, they are–what? Didn’t get or hear #6, myself. Eliminating “junk lawsuits”–i.e. medical malpractice litigation–is predictably #3. Alexander asserts that medical malpractice premiums are being driven up by the lawsuits.


What, exactly, is the ratio of malpractice litigation costs, for the insurance companies, to malpractice insurance premiums? Do the companies jack up premiums afterward, on any doctor who actually files a claim–the way they do to the rest of us?

Alexander also favors allowing customers to buy insurance across state lines; some unspecified helps to small business, referring to Enzi, previously mentioned by Obama; giving states unspecified incentives; individual health savings accounts; and that unstated #6.

Rep. Betty Sutton: “It comes very late”

Rep. Betty Sutton: “It comes very late”

  –Another good point, in the ongoing Toyota hearing, this from Rep. Betty Sutton, D-Ohio. When Toyota USA head James Lentz testifies again that the company is now going to include a North American rep on its committee on fixing problems, back in the home company, Rep. Sutton comments mildly that the news is good, but “I have to tell you, it comes very late.”

Once again–it is interesting that Toyota, which as Sutton points out has received much from the U.S., has never felt impelled to have this kind of give-and-take, or this channel for “appeal,” as Lentz refers to it, before.

And once again, the reason would seem to be not that defective throttle openings are somehow less a problem on the North American continent than they would be elsewhere, but that the authorities are not equally able here to address such concerns, or to induce a company to deal with them.

At least the hearing is a step in the right direction. Tomorrow the head of Toyota is up.

Why aren

Why aren

Why aren’t tea partiers angry about insurance abuses? Part 1.

Tea Party rally

CPAC came and went its course in Washington this year, revealing once again that it has nothing to offer in the way of principled conservatism. As might be expected of supposed ‘rebels’ actually backed by big-time funding, it also demonstrated, to any tea partiers actually paying attention, that ‘conservative’ movers and shakers are no more genuinely concerned about fundamental conservative principle than is the GOP.

Media outlets can focus all they want to on a rift between the establishment GOP and its far right. But in truth, whether you are talking about Charlie Crist and Marco Rubio in Florida, Rick Perry and Kay Bailey Hutchison in Texas, or John McCain and J. D. Hayworth in Arizona, the supposed rift is only a muffin-top crackle on the deeper blendedness of the two ‘wings’: They are all opposed to taxing the super-wealthy, regardless of how poor the rest of the country gets; and they are all opposed to reining in the abuses of corporations, regardless of the number of deaths.

That is both the sign and the deep structure of their version of ‘conservatism.’ That is basically their reason for being in politics. They are in power for one purpose and one purpose only, to prevent any fiscal reforms that would redress the abuses of monopoly, of consolidation of power, of ownership in a few hands—the kind of thing we see increasingly in the U.S., from the lovely Maryland village of Ellicott City owned by real estate interests, to whole mountains in Appalachia owned by coal companies, to control of the insurance market in entire states by one insurance company or a few companies.

Test this proposition. With all the railing about deficits, do you ever see Crist-Rubio, Perry-Hutchison, or McCain-Hayworth suggesting that we curb tax giveaways to corporations that ship U.S. jobs overseas? Do you ever see them recommend that we eliminate tax havens in the Caymans? Do they ever recommend that we rein in abuses including outright fraud by big-time military and security contractors?

Quite the contrary: Hayworth, in particular, is running on a nearly overt promise of increasing slush-fund giveaways for ‘border security,’ which means contractors. Hayworth, who was tied for years to now-imprisoned super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, may be a particularly blatant example of a candidate openly soliciting contributions from the military-security-surveillance sector. But he is by no means alone. Gov. Rick Perry of Texas does the same.

Texas Governor Rick Perry

Why aren

Why aren

ORGANIZING FOR AMERICA receives pledges for four million volunteer hours for 2010 election season

ORGANIZING FOR AMERICA gets four million volunteer hours
pledged for 2010 election season


Signs of life.
Participatory democracy is not dead, or even buried under icy heaps of
dun-colored snow.


Following up on previous posts–some more good news, as far as it
goes. First
: 4M hours pledged, to work for candidates and officeholders who boost
health care reform:


Organizing for America, the post-election offshoot of the Obama
netroots, sent around a mass email ambitiously asking for a pledge of

Go Saints — a delightful win

Go, Saints –delightful win
  –This was a lovely Super Bowl to watch, or partly watch. Go Saints–a nice bright moment for New Orleans, and the city deserves it. Streets and cable channels celebrating, and no wonder. Of course it’s always fun to watch warm weather (from the perspective of stuck-in frigid DC) and a good game. This one had some extra pluses.

Tracy Porter speaks becomingly . . .

As everybody knows, the game also included one of the brightest interceptions lately–one of the best i.e. most memorable for me individually since a Rice alum intercepted for an 11-yard touchdown run for the Redskins against the Dallas Cowboys. Fun all the way around, though possibly less so if you’re watching in a Dallas sports bar.

Those Saints do usually know how to find a warm place. I actually met one of them–years ago–in a Little Rock bar where three gentlemen introduced themselves modestly as Tom, Jack, Tom and taught me (temporarily) how to play bourre. Only after the game started did I notice that one of the guys named Tom held his cards, un-self-consciously, in a hand with the fingers sheared off at an angle. Apparently that same youthful accident took off parts of the toes on one foot–and he became a really good kicker.

Speaking of New Orleans, the city also elected to return to the Landrieu family line for its new mayor, Mitch Landrieu. Another sign that that telephone stunt in Sen. Mary Landrieu’s office by James O’Keefe and the other young people, costumed, that he used for the op may not have gone over too well in the court of public opinion. Wonder whether Landrieu’s mayoral election is being mentioned by the tea partiers.

Another late Friday afternoon drop: Goldman CEO gets $9M bonus

Another late Friday afternoon drop: Goldman CEO gets $9M bonus
  –Another news drop postponed to a late Friday afternoon, another postponed announcement by Goldman Sachs. Goldman, if you recall, previously did its bit for Scott Brown by delaying its annual bonus announcement–scheduled for the day before the Massachusetts special election–until a couple of days after the election to fill the seat long held by Edward M. Kennedy.

Goldman London office

A further delayed release dribbled out late yesterday–the amount of the 2009 bonus for Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein. This item is not hitting the news cycle quietly, however; already there are hundreds of carries on it. The New York Times among numerous others also notes that the business press, especially Rupert Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal, is emphasizing the minuses in the Blankfein bonus. True enough, the $9 million for 2009 does represent a decline from Blankfein’s peak bonus of $68 million. Also to be noted, as hundreds of publications have, is that Goldman Sachs had a record-breaking profitable year in 2009.

These people are not subtle.