Speaking of money, speaking for money, money for speech
Who said speech was free?
It is good to see the hard-hit and lovely city of New Orleans supported. The 2012 New Orleans Investment Conference, however, is a whole different ball game.

The NOLA Conference bills itself as
Your Path To
Profits And Safety
During Global Chaos
It further bills self as a gathering of “The world’s greatest geopolitical, economic and investing experts,” who will “lead you to profits and safety during the dangerous days ahead.”
Who dat?
Who are these experts? Prominent mention goes to the geopolitical experts.

Tina Fey as Palin
Featured speakers:
- Gov. Sarah Palin
- Charles Krauthammer, rightwing commentator
- Rick Santelli, billed as the founder of the Tea Party
There is also a lineup of finance experts in some veins. Promises include the following:
“At New Orleans 2012, Dr. [Marc] Faber will reveal the truth about global inflation and the commodities boom. Including which commodities will benefit — and which won’t!”
“And at New Orleans 2012, Mr. [Peter] Schiff will reveal why today’s environment is like the 1970s on steroids — and how you can invest for both fun and profit during the coming runaway global inflation!”
“Plus, you can stroll through a veritable bazaar filled with dozens of high-potential companies in our exhibit hall. Every year, some of the biggest winners in the precious metals and resource sector are found here before they take off.”
One notes in these fulsome blurbs the characteristics also found in gold-sellers on TV and on the back pages of magazines–an emphasis on volatile commodities, ditto on precious metals, apocalyptic rhetoric about the future economy, and lack of data.
It all happens this month–Oct. 24-27.
“In New Orleans, Gov. Palin will participate in our Summit on America’s Future panel with Charles Krauthammer and Rick Santelli, and give a rousing closing address. In the process, she will reveal the dire stakes in this year’s national election, and what you can do to prepare regardless of the outcome.”

The most influential commentator in America, for gold sellers
Hard to wait.